Curriculum Areas
Curriculum Areas
The New Zealand Curriculum Statement specifies eight learning areas that describe in broad terms the knowledge and understanding that all students need to acquire. They are:
- Arts
- English
- Health and Physical Education
- Learning Languages
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Science
- Social Science
- Technology
In english, students study, use, and enjoy language and literature communicated orally, visually, or in writing.
In the arts, students explore, refine, and communicate ideas as they connect thinking, imagination, senses, and feelings to create works and respond to the works of others.
In health and physical education, students learn about their own well-being, and that of others and society, in health-related and movement contexts.
In learning languages, students learn to communicate in an additional language, develop their capacity to learn further languages, and explore different world views in relation to their own.
In mathematics and statistics, students explore relationships in quantities, space, and data and learn to express these relationships in ways that help them to make sense of the world around them.
In science, students explore how both the natural physical world and science itself work so that they can participate as critical, informed, and responsible citizens in a society in which science plays a significant role.
In the social sciences, students explore how societies work and how they themselves can participate and take action as critical, informed, and responsible citizens.
In technology, students learn to be innovative developers of products and systems and discerning consumers who will make a difference in the world.